
Guild Minutes October 8, 2011

Meeting was informal and short.

Catherine noted that John’s mother had died. She fell in her home, possibly as the result of a stroke, and was not able to come back from it. The funeral was planned for the following Monday in Omaha.

Crafts Fair is Saturday, November 19th, 9 am to 4 pm. We will set up Friday evening.

Beginning weaving starts today.

Mayja Gross has a form of ALS and is now unable to talk. She would appreciate email messages rather than phone calls.

We discussed a possible food day on a future Thursday.

Show and Tell:

Jan showed beautiful scarves

Catherine showed a shawl

Sue showed her narrow “2 hour” scarves

Paula and Sharon showed wool to spin

Present at the meeting were: Lori Beck, Sue Ranta, Jan Tooker, Paula Churchill, Sharon

Vandenack, Mandy Binder, Linda Carlson, Mary Howell, Catherine Easton and Victoria Hilton.

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