
Guild Minutes May 14, 2011

John brought the meeting to order.

We discussed purchasing of a new PC computer for the studio. After Cheryl researched, we are looking at a Sony all-in-one large screen and CPU with a wireless mouse and keyboard.

Cheryl priced weaving programs:

Weave It Pro - $220 plus $60 for an upgrade due out soon, plus $95 for the grid weaving section

Pixie Loom - $185 plus $15 for a printed manual

Fiber Works (we have an old version) Comes in various levels, we would need the “silver plus” level. Cost is $300

Judy Johnson moved that we purchase the Sony and “repay” the studio over the next year as funds become available. John seconded the motion. Unanimous yes vote.

John moved and Judy seconded that we purchase the Fiber Works program. Motion passed. Cheryl will purchase the computer and the Fiber Works Silver Plus program and install it.

Alan Kamil sent a thank you note for the list of looms and supplies he donated to the guild following Ellen’s death.

Basket weaving workshop to be held June 18 at Catherine’s house. Sign up in advance so supplies can be ordered.

Spinning classes were successful. There were six students in one class, five in the second one. Several students joined the guild.

Felting workshop to be held by Rhonda McClure of Wahoo. June 1, all day, her house - 859 County Rd. 16, Wahoo, all day. Cost $75.00. Call 402-443-5498 to reserve a spot.

Catherine reported that she sold one basket and two scarves at the Liberty House outdoor sale in Seward.

Cheryl gave the treasurer’s report. Total in bank $20,744 including two CDs.

We took in $ from the basket workshop given by Catherine at the studio.

If studio fees are due from new members in order for them to participate in the studio weaving project, they should be prorated now through January. Full annual fee will then be due in January.

Discussion regarding a juried art fair and sale. Only individual artists are accepted. Catherine would qualify. Booth cost unknown at this time. Sell rugs, wool, cards, wall art. Cheryl will check on it and report back.

Meeting adjourned.

Sue Ranta, occasional secretary

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