
Guild Minutes

November 9, 2013 Meeting

Present: Victoria Hilton, Jan Tooker, John Geppert, Joan Johnson, Peggy Junker, Cheryl Rennick, Theresa Vitzthum, Catherine Easton, Linda Carlson, Mary Howell, Patricia Miller, and Alissa Sandin.
We signed a card for Venita Mittlestadt, who lost her aunt recently, who she was very close to.

Minutes of October meeting were reviewed online, approved as published.

Treasurer’s report: Cheryl Rennick presented our balances. We grossed $434 and netted $279.32 on the day of sale at Southwest High School. There has been some more money come in since then so it will change. Rug group: 11 people have paid the $20 for the show. They are Catherine Easton, Victoria Hilton, Sue Ranta, Mary Howell, Jan Tooker, John Geppert, Cheryl Rennick, Jane Mailand, Jane Marie, Lori Beck, and Claire Ehernberger. Joan Johnson & Linda Carlson’s checks are in the box. Shelda Baylor, Henda Pretorius, and Sharon Vandenack still need to pay.
We have now been paid from SCC for last winter quarter’s class.
Weaving Craft magazine will be renewed. (This publisher is not adding new people to her list.)

Old Business:
Reports from coordinators:
Rug/Tapestry Study Group will meet in January to start planning the next show, so be thinking of a venue and theme.
Overshot Project goal is to be done sooner rather than later, and especially if we could concentrate the remaining work on just a few looms. We are dressing the 12th loom now. There are many people wishing to take the advanced weaving class in the winter so we’ll be needing those looms.

Organizational structure – revision of bylaws and procedures:
Cheryl moved and Victoria seconded that we adopt the bylaws as written. Motion carried.
John moved and Victoria seconded to approve the rules and procedures as amended. Motion carried.
See attached final copies.

Review of this year’s demonstrations and sales:
Victoria wants to continue with the farmers market, and is willing to demonstrate there. We attracted a large crowd who commented on the existence of the guild and made commitments to come to the studio to purchase items, hear about the show, classes, etc. The cost of doing the farmers market is $20 for the season, and they put up the tent & take it down.
John suggested we list the demo opportunities that we need to make an advance commitment for, so we can put together a demonstration calendar.
LSW sale next year
Camp Creek Threshers in Waverly – Catherine won’t be in charge anymore
Linda spoke against doing the Plainsong Festival – it was pleasant but not the kind of exposure we desire.
Seward County fair – well attended, good cooperation, we were paid $100 to do it. Catherine won’t be in charge anymore
We discussed having a demonstration coordinator, who could be appointed in January (rather than elected in December). We could get a Google calendar and share it with the membership, so all would be able to access it.
The College View Neighborhood Association may be changing the date of the 48th street celebration next year.

Upcoming classes:
Victoria is willing to teach the beginning spinning class on Saturdays in spring quarter for 8 weeks from 3:00 – 5:00 (April and May). Victoria will notify SCC.
Winter quarter (begins January 11) will have beginning weaving in the afternoon, advanced weaving in morning.

New Business:
John wants to announce that everyone needs to bring all library books back, even if they’ve just been checked out. He will be doing an inventory over Christmas break so in January they will be available for check-out once again.

Point of information – we need to get the letter sent to Wendy Weiss’ department chair regarding her help with our show. Jan said she would do this, with Linda’s help.

We have acquired a loom that someone wants to sell: a two harness table loom which looks to be the same as the teaching looms in our classroom. Catherine suggested the studio should buy it so we have another one to add to our classroom. This loom includes warp, a reed, rug shuttles, lease sticks, and stick shuttles. Victoria moved the guild purchase the loom for $100 including other items. Cheryl seconded. Discussion: We do have a loom that we can’t use for teaching, and occasionally we are short of looms for classes because people are still on them from previous classes. Motion carried.

Catherine has been contacted by a member about an opportunity to demonstrate/participate in an arts/crafts Christmas party at a new place. A couple has purchased Twila Fairbanks’ log cabin in Roca, and they are inviting artists to participate in a fair on Saturday, November 30 and Sunday, December 1. They will allow us to sell (charging no commission) and pass out our literature. While discussing whether we want to do this, no one attending today’s meeting is available to be there, but if anyone else is interested, please contact this couple – Catherine has their contact information.

Bonnie Luckey is selling some of her items after being a fiber artist for many years. The first load she brought to sell is basket-making materials and books. They are on the counter. She is willing for us to sell her items for a 50% commission on the sales. If anyone wants to buy something, write a check to the Guild with a note on the memo, write it into the sales notebook, put the check in the treasurer’s box, and Cheryl will send the money to Bonnie, minus our 50% commission. Bonnie wants to bring multiple loads of items. It was suggested she take back what hasn’t sold from the first load, when she brings the next, to prevent a large amount of storage of items here. We will let her know when we feel everyone has had a chance to look at it, so that she can pick up the leftovers and bring new items. This will likely be after a period of time encompassing 2 guild meetings.

Next month bring potluck, we will start eating at noon, meeting at 1:00.

We had Show and Tell, and Catherine presented a program on copyright issues as they relate to the arts, including an overview on intellectual property – patents, copyrights, and trademarks.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker, Secretary Protem

Constitution and By-Laws Revised


Article 1
The corporation shall be known as the
Handweavers Guild of Lincoln, Nebraska.

Article II
The corporation is organized exclusively for educational purposes within the meaning of section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. It is the intent of this corporation to promote interest in the fiber arts through education, the interchange of ideas and craftsmanship, and to further the education of any interested individual.

Article III
Any person interested in furthering the fiber arts may become a member.

Article IV
The officers of the corporation shall be President,
Secretary and Treasurer.

Article V
Meetings and Quorum
(1) Regular meeting shall be held monthly from September to May inclusive.
Any satellite group shall meet in accordance with their own plans.
(2) Special meetings may be called by the President;
or, on application of the members, the President shall call such a meeting.
(3) Fifteen percent (but not less than five) of the members of the corporation
in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Article VI
This constitution may be amended at any meeting of the corporation
by 2/3 vote of the quorum present.
Such action must be preceded by prior notice of one month.

Article VII
On the dissolution of the corporation, the Corporation Officers Shall, after paying or making provisions of the payment of all the liabilities of the corporation, dispose of all assets of the corporation exclusively for the purpose of the corporation in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for educational purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 © (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the Corporation Officers shall determine. Any asset not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal offices of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine,
which are organizing operated exclusively for such purposes.
Adopted April 12, 2008.


Article I
Duty of Officers
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of this corporation and perform all the duties usually pertaining to this office.
The President may delegate any duties as necessary.

Section 2. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all proceedings
of the corporation and record the same.

Section 3. The Treasurer shall receive and safely keep all funds of the corporation. Monthly reports of receipts and disbursements shall be made. An annual financial report shall be prepared and reviewed by a committee appointed by the membership.

Article II
Election of Officers
Section 1. All officers shall be elected at the last meeting of the calendar year by a simple majority and shall assume office in January.

2. Nominations may be made from the floor. Nominees must be willing to serve.

Article III
Any person interested in the fiber arts may become a member by paying the prescribed dues. Each member who is not in arrears on dues for more than
one month shall be entitled to vote in the affairs of the corporation.

Article IV
Section 1. The annual dues shall be paid in January.

Article V
Ad-Hoc Committees
Section 1. The President shall solicit volunteers for ad-hoc committees as needed.

Section 2. There shall be a Librarian of the corporation.

(1) When a vacancy shall occur in this position, the President shall
appoint a willing member to fill the vacancy.
(2) All books owned by the corporation shall reside at the Studio. Members may check out books, owned by the corporation in accordance with policies set by the members.

Approved November 9, 2013

Studio Rules and Procedures
To have a key:
Membership of Guild
Pay Studio use fee
Must have either completed an 8-week class or used the studio (with paid studio use fee) for 2 months prior to receiving key.

Follow closing procedures:
All heaters and fans unplugged

All lights off

In winter thermostats left at 50 degrees (one in classroom, one in north room)

Bathroom and circuit breaker room doors left open (to keep pipes from freezing)

Windows closed and locked

Radio off

Computer, monitor, keypad and mouse turned off.

Printer/copier turned off.

Trash emptied

To check out materials, not books
Record the item you are checking out in your index card in the WEAVING SUPPLY CHECKOUT INDEX BOX. Include the item description and the date checked out.  When you return the item record the return date on your index card.

To check out a loom or spinning wheel
Estimate the number of months you expect to have the loom or wheel outside the Studio. Write a check for $15 per month you expect to have the loom or wheel.  Record the checkout on the Loom/Wheel rental sheet.  Place your check with “loom/wheel rental” and the item number in the comment line of the check and put the check in the lock box in the library.  If you return the loom/wheel early, you will be rebated for the extra months you paid. If you have the loom/wheel longer than you estimate, you need to pay the HWGL $15 at the beginning of each additional month past your estimate.

To use a loom at the studio:
Sign card on loom or add card if one is missing then add name
When the project is completed,  mark the card with “ open”
If continuing on same loom add your name again
If done with loom, clean up loom and area around it
When using one of the pre-warped looms use lace-on method of tie up
Pay for warp used and be prepared to help re-warp loom
There are no sacred cows. We would prefer to use up warp on looms before changing them to something else.
If there is a loom threaded with something you want to try and someone else is weaving on it, leave a note so they know you want the threading after them

If you have a loom occupied a studio use fee is required.

If your personal loom is here all above rules apply to it, including required studio use fees.

Pay for materials used off shelves

All food stuffs in Studio are communal unless marked hands off

Wash up dishes used and put away

Bertha’s files stay in house but may be copied as you want; pay for copies

Interpretation of the above procedures will be the responsibility of the executive committee.

Approved November 9, 2013

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