
Guild Minutes February 9, 2013

Linda Carlson called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m.

Present were, Linda Carlson, Jane Mailand, Shelda Baylor, Joan Johnson, Jan Tooker, Patricia Miller, Mandy Binder, Henda Pretorius, Jan Jaecks, Catherine Easton, John Geppert, Gayle Mason, Cheryl Rennick, Susan Ranta and Sharon Valencia.

Treasurer’s Report
Cheryl Rennick presented the Treasurer's report.
We paid $174.54 in sales tax for 2012 and the biannual fee to the State of Nebraska of $30.
Cheryl reported that she and John Geppert are working on a budget to show both income and expenses for HWGL.

Cheryl reported that there are people who have keys to the studio who have not yet paid their studio fees. Paid studio fees are required in order to have a key to the studio. We are also missing two keys.  Access to studio keys is allowable only to Guild members who pay studio fees.  Jan Jaecks suggested putting March1 as a deadline for dues and studio fees. Beyond that date, those delinquent in payment will not remain on the email list.

Guild dues currently are $30 per year and studio fees are $150 per year.  Only studio members may check out equipment. Guild members may check out books.  Students may use books and equipment in the studio, but cannot check out anything.

Cheryl said that if a student wants to join the guild, she would like to collect from students a 6-month studio fee ($75) after any class ends, rather than dues for an entire year, particularly when the students are still working on class projects.

Susan Ranta read the minutes of the January meeting. There were no corrections.

Old Business
1.  Coordinators for the rug group and overshot project gave updates.
Jan Tooker announced that the rug group has selected as the title of the show “Inspired by Nature.”
- The rug show will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church during the entire month of October.  Any piece not previously shown in one of our shows may be entered into the Rug Show.  Jan said that fiber art work other than rugs may be shown at the exhibit, and encouraged all members to participate.  Weavers of all experience levels are encouraged to participate.
- During the month of exhibit, we will permit photographs to be taken.
- Henda reported that the magazine Handwoven sponsors an award to be determined by a non-member judge. The winner’s name and a story will be submitted to the newspaper.
Catherine Easton reported that the Overshot project is nearing an end. She said that because of the need to use looms currently in use for the overshot project, there will be a time limit placed on concluding the project.  She has not yet determined that date.

2.  Linda Carlson asked Sharon Valencia to lead the group’s discussion beyond the brainstorming workshop held in January.
- Sharon offered to survey the membership for any additional ideas.  Items we may need to know more about include 1) increasing membership, 2) increased income, and 3) increased exposure so that we are better known in the community.
- What do we need to do next?  Set goals, both short- and long-term.
- Cheryl suggested that we form committee or task groups comprised of Guild and Studio members, and bring progress and suggestions back to the main group.
- Catherine reminded us about the open meeting policy, and Cheryl noted that the meetings can be open, even with non-voting persons present.
- Joan Johnson recommended an open comment period for non-voters as we may hear some interesting ideas.
- Task groups will bring ideas to each meeting.
- John Geppert moved to form Task Forces with the following committees:
Membership, Education (& Teaching), Outreach in Community, Finance, Organizational Structure, Facility (Studio).
Sharon Valencia seconded the motion.  Motion carried.
The members of the task forces are posted on the white board. Others may add their names and can contribute ideas to any group.

 3.  John Geppert reported on dues and fees survey information.  21 people replied to the survey.  John distributed results in graph form, showing the distribution of responses concerning dues.  (See complete results in the Guild’s notebook of minutes.)  Based upon the results of the survey, John recommended that we raise Guild fees to $40 per year and Studio fees to $200 per year representing a 33% increase for both Guild dues and Studio fees.  We will need donations and pledges to make it to a goal of $6000 per year.

A suggestion was made to create a category of Supporting Member for those who remain members but do not use the facilities. Another category might be for full-time college/university students. The finance committee will discuss this, incorporate John’s findings, and bring recommendations to the March meeting.  We will vote on fee structure at the March 9 meeting.  The question must also be decided as to when the new fee structure should take place.

Jan Jaecks suggested that some members might want to keep studio fees at $150 and then donate a tax-deductible $50.

4.  Repair of Floor
Cheryl Rennick reported that her husband, Will, is willing to clean up our studio floor and paint it for $500 plus cost of materials. Catherine Easton moved to accept Will’s offer. Jane Mailand seconded the motion. Vote was unanimous in favor of the motion.  Members are asked to watch the HWGL website to find out when the studio will be closed for repairs.  Jan Tooker said that she will notify our landlord, Lynn Fisher, of our plans to clean and paint the floor.

5.  Open House
Linda spoke with the president of the College View Neighborhood Association regarding the possibility of coordinating our open house with the annual community event.  He responded very favorably and passed this to the chairperson of the neighborhood event who contacted Linda.  The date is Sunday, September 29, from 1:00 -5:00 p.m. Catherine suggested that we extend to Saturday and Sunday to be a part of the local community activities.  A motion was made by Cheryl to accept this plan.  The motion was seconded, and all voted in favor of it.

New Business
1.  Upcoming demonstrations and workshops
While Mary and Linda are still working on a schedule of upcoming events, the following were announced:
- After the March meeting Henda Pretorius will present a demonstration of the inkle loom or rigid heddle weaving, leaving her to decide.
              - In May, Jane Mailand will present a workshop on tatting.
- In July, Catherine Easton will offer a program on Bertha’s files following the monthly meeting.
              - In September, Sue Ranta will present a felting workshop.
- In October John Geppert will teach a workshop on designing Ukrainian Easter eggs.
Another “Sheep to Shawl” event will be held sometime from March to May.
On August 3rd – We will offer a “Sheep to Shawl” demonstration at Seward County Fair.

2.  Henda Pretorius has asked for everyone’s birthday so she can post them in Thrums. After a brief discussion, the group suggested that we post birthdays during each month in the Studio so that we may have a treat to celebrate everyone’s birthday.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:00.

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