
Guild Minutes March 10, 2012

Attendees: Mary Howell, Catherine Easton, Cheryl Rennick, Victoria Hilton, Henda Pretorius, Patricia Miller, Peggy Junker, Linda Carlson, Jane Mailand, Sharon Valencia, Sharon Vandenack, Shelda Baylor and Sue Ranta.

The meeting came to order at 1:00 pm.

Treasurer’s Report: Cheryl reported that student fees and Guild dues have increased our current income. Our expenses are for rent, phone, and electricity.

Open House report – Henda

Date is Saturday, September 8th from 10 am to 3 pm

We have a lot of work to do to prepare for our open house:

Advertising the event

Jan will make fliers which we can distribute at fairs and seminars.

Jan will look into the cost of radio advertising – can we get a free spot?

Jan will put the event on Facebook and our blog, and email our members

Henda suggested that we need to send invitations to Morrill Hall, Textile Dept at UNL, Quilt Center, Burkholder Project and other places in Lincoln, Omaha and other towns where people who might have an interest in our weaving might work..

Sue will design an invitation to be sent to these places

Sue will design or have made name tags for members – magnets

Dress Code decided – jeans and shirts the colors of our logo – red, yellow, green or blue

We need to make our entry look great, paint walls, cover the duct taped linoleum with an indoor-outdoor carpet that can withstand our occasional flooding.

We need to re-do our pin-up boards to look nice.

Victoria will put together a poster board of the History of the Guild.

Make cards to go with the hanging projects with a photo of the maker and a description of the project. Sue will take the photos and make up the cards. Maker will provide information.

Cleaning of studio – all Saturdays in July and August. This is not a one day job!

Lori and John will organize the cleaning projects.

Day of Open House

Display of spinners, weavers, rigid heddle, overshot project

Catherine will organize cookie and drinks for our guests

Assign members to make sales in our “for sale” area

Display inkle weaving, baskets, Ukrainian eggs, Tamari balls, needle felting

Other Business:

Jane suggested an alternative method for teaching spinning classes (in addition to the way we teach now).

Allow new spinners to come in during Spinners Group on Thursday evenings, and other days too. Spinners Group will tend to details, supplies, collection of payments. Set fee for certain number or visits. This will be considered and see if it can work in our favor.

Rug/Tapestry Group

Meets again in April – “Come one, come all”

Group will hold a couple of workshops after the first of the year. Sharon Vandenack and Shelda Baylor will possibly teach a two-day workshop and provide their study guide in 2013.

Catherine will teach a tapestry workshop during the summer of 2012.

Camp Creek work sign-up sheet was passed. We are working and demonstrating both days and need workers to sell or weave, spin, etc. in half day increments. Please sign up if you have not done so already. Camp Creek is located east of Waverly.

Seward County Fair is August 4th. We will need people to work at that one day event.


Catherine reported that there is an ongoing learning opportunity at Harveyville, KS. They use an old school and teach weaving, spinning, dyeing and felting. Sharon V will contact the school to see what are the costs, schedules and opportunities for us to attend classes there. They use the classrooms as dormitories. The cafeteria is used for meals.

Basket Workshop – at Catherine’s house Saturday, May 19th. Bring a basket to finish or order a kit for a new one. Catherine will provide directions to her home.

Insurance – Cheryl reported that our insurance went up $100 just this year. We have not had our policy gone over in years so need someone to review with an agent to see what we can do to bring our policy up to date.


Two books are missing from the library. They were not checked out. If you have one or both, please return them now, and check them out properly so we can keep track of them.

Spinners Companion

Portfolio of Coverlets

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Ranta, recording secretary

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