
Minutes March 12, 2011

Present: Peggy Junker, Cheryl Rennick, Judy Johnson, Jan Tooker, Catherine Easton, Jan Jaecks, Jean Whitmore, Victoria Hilton, Mandy Binder, John Geppert.

Minutes of the February 12, 2011 meeting were approved as printed.

John asked that we let him know if we have a book checked out from the Library.

On Thursday, several members and friends went to pick up Ellen Kamil’s weaving items that her family is donating to the Guild and Studio since her death. We reviewed the items and decided to keep most of them, and will sell a few that we do not need. Items included:

36” 8-harness Mighty Wolf loom
Ball winder
Bobbin winder (it will be available for check out)
3 boat shuttles
15 bobbins
hand beater
sley hooks (this will be swapped out with some of ours that are not in such good condition)
warping paddle
10 stick shuttles
smaller tapestry loom
Better-than-a-husband (with no dowels)
Ikat tape
2 raddles
20 books (our librarian will go through them and decide which to keep and which to sell)

Cheryl has written a thank you letter to Alan Kamil including a receipt for tax purposes. We may receive more things in the future after Ellen’s daughter has gone through her yarn collection. Jan Jaecks moved and Mandy seconded that we have a plaque made to put on Ellen’s loom, saying “Donated in memory of Ellen Kamil by her family, 2011.” Motion carried. Cheryl informed us that between $75 and $100 has been received in memorial money.

Group Project discussion will be following the Guild meeting.

Basket Workshop next Saturday. There are 12 people registered which fills the class. Those registered should bring: 2 old bath towels, a flat-head short screwdriver, 6-8 clothespins, shorter scissors that can cut reed, and possibly spring-type clamps. Also either bring a sack lunch or plan to buy lunch at a local restaurant.

Christmas Craft Ideas for the September Craft Sale:

1) We decided to make twisted ornaments on inkle looms at a workshop on March 26 at 11:00 a.m. We will use Studio looms as yarn from our shelves. Just come and we’ll make them together.

2) Temari Balls. John Geppert will teach us how to make them at a class on April 9 from 9:00 – 1:00. He will provide a kit for $15. We will need to sign up at the Studio and pay the fee.

3) Quilling Workshop: These will be gift tags (To/From tags) that we will make assembly-line style after the May 14 Guild meeting. Materials will be provided, just plan to stay and help make them.

The Spring Spinning class will begin April 2 and will run through May 7, from 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.

Judy Johnson has indexed the Weaver’s Craft magazine, and is willing to share her indices with the Guild. We asked her to bring them on CD so we can have a digital copy of them.

Issue: Someone has been smoking and throwing cigarette butts on our stairs in front of the front door, which is a fire hazard because dried leaves often collect there. There have also been other substances found on our door mat which have been unpleasant to come across and to clean up. John will discuss with the landlord to see what would be a good solution. We have also noticed the smell of cigarette smoke coming into the north room from the neighbors. We will plan to buy calk rope to seal around the door and where needed along the wall.

A treasurer’s report was presented and will be posted at the Studio.

Respectfully submitted,

Jan Tooker,

Secretary Pro Tem

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