
Guild Minutes September 11, 2010

Members present: Judy Johnson, Sue Ranta, Catherine Easton, Claire Ehernberger, Jan Tooker, Maija Grosc, Cheryl Rennick.

Treasurer’s report: Cheryl reported that as of the end of August our total in checking and CD’s came to $19,990.98. Of that, about $6,000.00 is in the checking account. Two CD’s are due this month and Cheryl plans to renew them for the best rate possible. She has set up automatic payment of the rent. We decided to send $100 to the Handweavers Guild of America (HGA), and to reorder Weaver’s Craft for $26.

Jan said that she has talked with the owner of the flower shop upstairs who is considering getting the internet in her shop. Jan suggested to the owner that if the flower shop had internet service, the Guild may be interested in paying a portion of the fee in exchange for access to the internet at the Studio. Jan will follow up further with the shop owner.

Jan also said that the time may come where we will want to get an actual web site instead of using a blog as a web site. This is due to ease of access, posting ability, search engine access, and a more professional look. Jan offered to investigate the costs of purchasing the site name as well as start-up and ongoing costs, so that a decision can be made in the future about this. The group concurred.

Jan asked if we should consider charging non-members an advertising fee for listing looms for sale, etc. on the web site and also posting them on the bulletin board. This decision was tabled.

Jan asked everyone who is on facebook to find the HWGL facebook page (Hand Weavers Guild of Lincoln) and click on “Like”. Once we get 25 fans this way, we’ll be able to have a facebook URL which makes promotion of the page much easier and more effective.

It was suggested that we put out a request to members and friends for a newer computer to be donated to the Guild/Studio. If anyone is replacing a computer either at home or the office, which runs at least Windows XP, it would helpful for storing photos and running drafting software. Also, we would like have an external hard drive donated if possible. Talk to Jan or Cheryl before just leaving a computer at the Studio, please.

Jan would like to be able to have some time to investigate opportunities for applying for grants for special projects, events, or purchases as they may become available. However, this takes time away from doing the newsletter, website, emails, etc. Sue Ranta said she might be willing to do the newsletters.

The following motions were part of the agenda left by John at the Studio prior to the meeting:

John moved and Judy seconded that we purchase 6 - 20” Schacht rug shuttles for $32 each. Discussion: We have more weavers doing rugs and these are very good shuttles. While we have many shuttles, many are old and worn out. Motion carried.

Claire moved and Jan seconded that we purchase a metal temple, 24” – 36”. Discussion: The temples the Studio owns are worn and rusty and somewhat dangerous. Motion carried.

There are several reeds that are worn, sharp and rusty. These are a hazard. A motion by John to purchase new reeds was tabled until we can see what kind of repairs can be made to the ones we currently own.

Three people signed up to help with the sale on October 9. Jan reported that she had called to register us for the sale early in the summer, and was told that a packet would be sent. She has not received the packet and has not had time to call back to follow up. Sue said she could call Southwest to register us for a table at the sale.

The Rug Study Group will be having a show at the Burkholder in October, and the Opening Night Reception will be October 1 from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m.

The Studio Open House will be October 2, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. The meeting was adjourned to begin cleaning and getting the Studio ready for the Open House.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker,
Secretary Pro Tem

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