
Guild Minutes January 9, 2010

Present: John Geppert, Mary Howell, Cheryl Rennick, Jan Jaecks and Jan Tooker

Agenda items:

1. Increasing the SCC fee and Class supplies fee.

Mary Howell moved that the SCC fee be increased from its current $36 to $50 and the supplies fee from its current $15 to $20. Jan Jaecks seconded.

Discussion: Mary's daughter compared our fee schedule to other SCC courses and discovered that our fees are substantially lower than other similar SCC courses. All present agreed that our fees should be increased, but we were not sure how SCC calculates our portion of the SCC fee. Cheryl agreed to check into this.

Jan Jaecks made a friendly amendment to table the fee increase until Cheryl can report back what she finds. Approved by consensus.

2. John called for a motion that agenda items be sent to him by Guild members at least one week prior to a Guild meeting and that Jan Tooker would send out the agenda prior to the meeting via email and post the agenda on the website.

Mary Howell made the motion and Jan Jaecks seconded. Approved by consensus.

3. John called for a motion that the business part of the Guild meeting be held to approximately 1:00 - 2:00 as a general rule, but allow flexibility. The 2:00 - 3:00 time slot would be used for demonstrations / discussions and show-and-tell. This would make it easy for new students (when classes are being held) to participate in the demonstrations / discussions and show-and-tell without having to be there for the business meeting.

Mary Howell made the motion and Jan Jaecks seconded. Approved by consensus.

The tentative schedule for demonstrations and discussions is as follows:
February 13 - Knitting machine demonstration - John Geppert
March 13 - Color Quiz - John Geppert
April 10 - Spinning - Paula Churchill
May 8 - Rug Finishing (off the loom) - Cheryl Rennick and Jan Tooker

4. We discussed possible ideas for workshops:
Finishing Spinning
Dying Baskets

Respectfully submitted,
John Geppert

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