
February 14, 2009 Guild Minutes

Handweaver's Guild of Lincoln met at 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, February 14, 2009. We had a brief business meeting combined with a chocolate buffet.

John Geppert brought up the question of which magazines to renew. We agreed that we wanted to continue subscribing to all that he mentioned.

Fourteen people are signed up for the Jennifer Moore workshop. It will be from 10 to 5 on Sunday, March 8, 2009. The guild is subsidizing the workshop with $417.

Jean Whitmore brought the framed letter from Peter Collingwood to be displayed with his rug. She also had a book, Jacquard's Web by Essinger which describes the development of the computer from the jacquard loom. She will get a copy for the library.

Nancy Sutton will be selling Chuck's shuttles on E-bay. There are 14 boat shuttles and miscellaneous other things. She will let us know when they are listed. She is making necklaces with Trellis yarn which she will donate for the craft show.

Jean had two lovely tapestries for show and tell.

Camp Creek Threshers will be July 17, 18, and 19. We agreed to participate again. If we have enough demonstraters, people will only need to do it for one of the days.

We adjourned and ate more chocolate.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Howell, Secretary

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