Present: John Geppert, Cheryl Rennick, Catherine Easton, Jean Whitmore, Micaela Mata, Lori Beck, Jan Tooker
1. Jennifer Moore workshop Sunday March 8 at the Studio (time yet to be determined)
Up to 20 participants
Cost $40
The topic covered will be:
Exploring Symmetries and Tessellations- 1-day workshop-
-By learning about and applying the basic movements of symmetry to visual motifs we can create beautiful and complex designs from simple beginnings. Once we understand this, we can then create tessellations, which are interlocking shapes that fill the surface plane. We will learn how to create both geometric and organic Escher-type shapes. You will be amazed at how your design possibilities will expand by learning a few basic and fun skills.
The cost are broken down as
$375 for the workshop fee
$100 for our share of airfare
$50 for gas/mileage round trip Omaha/Lincoln
Total $525 + $35 per person for materials
John moved that we charge HWGL members $40 with $5 from each member going toward the $525. Any remaining balance be funded from HWGL checking. Participants are welcome to donate any additional funds to help cover the expenses on a voluntary basis. Lori seconded. Motion passed
2. We discussed the cleaning of the Studio. John moved that a list of cleaning activities be posted and individuals volunteer to do them. John suggested the Thursday group clean every other Thursday and the Saturday group also every other Saturday, staggered. That way the studio would get cleaned every week and no one person or group would do most of the work and the Studio would never get that messy. Motion carried.
3. John moved that we no longer store looms for sale at the Studio. Jan said she would take pictures of what was for sale and post it to our website. Catherine reminded us that it is customary that a donation to the HWGL be made if the Guild helps with the sale. Looms donated to the Studio would still be accepted. Motion carried.
4. Treasurer reported that the HWGL would have a deficit for the year of around $400-$500 which is less than in the past. The Guild is doing some exciting things and we have several new members.
5. We thought the craft sale went well and tentatively agreed to do it in 2009.
6. For those who have items at the Studio still for sale from the craft show, please come and take those items home if they are no longer for sale. John will store what's left at his house and we use these for next year's sale.
7. If you want to reserve a place at the Jennifer Moore workshop, mail your check to:
John Geppert
7440 North Hampton Rd
Lincoln, NE 68506
Make your check payable to HWGL for $40 and put Jennifer Moore workshop in the comment line
8. We had a silent auction for the HWGL pin donated by Claire. Jan won the bidding for $80. Thanks to Claire and Jan
9. We discussed making a calendar out of the "Featured Weavings of the month." We're still looking into this to find a cheap enough printer to make it worthwhile.
Respectfully submitted,
John Geppert
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