HWGL Rug Study Group Minutes
July 12, 2008
Hastings Show "Inspiration Palette" Review: Pictures of the Hastings show are on the computer at the Studio, and also on a disk if anyone wants to use it. No one has submitted any expenses for this show, so we will use the money in our treasury to cover any starting expenses for our next show. We have not paid the Graham Gallery for our postcards, yet; Jan Tooker will contact Angela there to find out how much we owe for them. Jane Marie reported that Angela was pleased to have the show because it drew a different crowd of people (as well as her regulars) and that people came back several times to view it, which usually doesn’t happen. She did advise us to have more items for sale at a show, as the gallery owners host shows like this as a financial benefit to them, and when too many items in the show are marked Not For Sale (NFS), it discourages customers from buying anything that might be for sale.
Financial Report: John reported that everyone is caught up on their dues, and that we can wait until we are closer to the next show to collect again. Sharon V. reported that her sister wanted to donate to the Rug Study Group as a memorial to Bertha Galloway.
Planning for our next show: In discussing possible themes, John suggested we do a study of Fibonacci and call it Fibonacci: Beyond Stripes. He also suggested the possibility of using butterflies as a theme, which would include a multitude of colors and other possibilities.
Mary Z. suggested that we may want to have a show as a part of the Textile Society of America Conference, which will be in Lincoln in October 2010, hosted by UNL and the Quilt Center. The theme for the Conference is Textiles and Settlement: Plains Space to Cyber Space. Mary is on the Galleries and Tours Committee for this and feels a show at the Burkholder would be ideal. We discussed the possibility of using the Fibonacci theme as it relates to the use of space, which would fit with the Conference theme. Sharon said that Anne Burkholder mentioned that she wanted to talk about 2010, and we speculated that a show in October for this conference was what she was referring to. Sharon will contact Anne to verify and set up our doing a show there then. We need to come up with an actual name for our show, which relates to the Conference Theme.
Mary also related that the Midwest Conference will be in Grinnell, Iowa in June of 2009, that they are needing more shows for that. We decided we could use the Inspiration Palette show for that, and that we could add pieces to it, so that we would be showing more items for sale. Pieces for that will need to be finished by about May 1, and should not be any pieces already shown in our last Midwest show, at the Burkholder in June of 2007. Mary will contact Midwest about our doing a show there.
Upcoming studies: John will do a study on Fibonacci at the Guild meeting on September 20 at 1:00 p.m. We will try to upload it to the web site if possible.
We discussed several other ideas for workshops/studies, including James Koehler, who could do something more design-related than technique-related. We also discussed the great resource of the Kansas City Art Institute Textile Design, Cynthia Schira, who has taught in Lawrence for years, the possibility of Rebecca Bluestone coming to Omaha (Mary Z. will find out), and Jennifer Moore of Santa Fe, who could do a bigger workshop including Omaha and surrounding area weavers. Mary Z. will contact the Omaha Guild about helping to sponsor that, and will also contact Jennifer about doing it.
Other ideas were:
Value vs. Hue, John can do later
Doubleweave, Sharon or Bonnie?
Tapestry, part 2, Sharon and Shelda?
Dyeing, probably at least 2 studies, one to discuss the various dye techniques/products, one to demonstrate, Sharon?
Weaving with wire, Sharon?
Studio Improvements: Many positive comments were made about the progress of work on the Studio. John said that now that we have freshly painted wall space just inside the front door, we will have a Featured Weaving of the Month hanging there. We would like to take photos of them and make a calendar.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker
July 12, 2008
Hastings Show "Inspiration Palette" Review: Pictures of the Hastings show are on the computer at the Studio, and also on a disk if anyone wants to use it. No one has submitted any expenses for this show, so we will use the money in our treasury to cover any starting expenses for our next show. We have not paid the Graham Gallery for our postcards, yet; Jan Tooker will contact Angela there to find out how much we owe for them. Jane Marie reported that Angela was pleased to have the show because it drew a different crowd of people (as well as her regulars) and that people came back several times to view it, which usually doesn’t happen. She did advise us to have more items for sale at a show, as the gallery owners host shows like this as a financial benefit to them, and when too many items in the show are marked Not For Sale (NFS), it discourages customers from buying anything that might be for sale.
Financial Report: John reported that everyone is caught up on their dues, and that we can wait until we are closer to the next show to collect again. Sharon V. reported that her sister wanted to donate to the Rug Study Group as a memorial to Bertha Galloway.
Planning for our next show: In discussing possible themes, John suggested we do a study of Fibonacci and call it Fibonacci: Beyond Stripes. He also suggested the possibility of using butterflies as a theme, which would include a multitude of colors and other possibilities.
Mary Z. suggested that we may want to have a show as a part of the Textile Society of America Conference, which will be in Lincoln in October 2010, hosted by UNL and the Quilt Center. The theme for the Conference is Textiles and Settlement: Plains Space to Cyber Space. Mary is on the Galleries and Tours Committee for this and feels a show at the Burkholder would be ideal. We discussed the possibility of using the Fibonacci theme as it relates to the use of space, which would fit with the Conference theme. Sharon said that Anne Burkholder mentioned that she wanted to talk about 2010, and we speculated that a show in October for this conference was what she was referring to. Sharon will contact Anne to verify and set up our doing a show there then. We need to come up with an actual name for our show, which relates to the Conference Theme.
Mary also related that the Midwest Conference will be in Grinnell, Iowa in June of 2009, that they are needing more shows for that. We decided we could use the Inspiration Palette show for that, and that we could add pieces to it, so that we would be showing more items for sale. Pieces for that will need to be finished by about May 1, and should not be any pieces already shown in our last Midwest show, at the Burkholder in June of 2007. Mary will contact Midwest about our doing a show there.
Upcoming studies: John will do a study on Fibonacci at the Guild meeting on September 20 at 1:00 p.m. We will try to upload it to the web site if possible.
We discussed several other ideas for workshops/studies, including James Koehler, who could do something more design-related than technique-related. We also discussed the great resource of the Kansas City Art Institute Textile Design, Cynthia Schira, who has taught in Lawrence for years, the possibility of Rebecca Bluestone coming to Omaha (Mary Z. will find out), and Jennifer Moore of Santa Fe, who could do a bigger workshop including Omaha and surrounding area weavers. Mary Z. will contact the Omaha Guild about helping to sponsor that, and will also contact Jennifer about doing it.
Other ideas were:
Value vs. Hue, John can do later
Doubleweave, Sharon or Bonnie?
Tapestry, part 2, Sharon and Shelda?
Dyeing, probably at least 2 studies, one to discuss the various dye techniques/products, one to demonstrate, Sharon?
Weaving with wire, Sharon?
Studio Improvements: Many positive comments were made about the progress of work on the Studio. John said that now that we have freshly painted wall space just inside the front door, we will have a Featured Weaving of the Month hanging there. We would like to take photos of them and make a calendar.
Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker
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