
Guild Minutes, April 12, 2008

Hand Weavers Guild of Lincoln
Guild Meeting Minutes
April 12, 2008

26 people were in attendance at the meeting, more than the 15 required for a quorum.

John gave the Treasurer’s report. It is posted near the computer at the Studio.

It was requested that Jan send test emails to make sure our emails are getting through to people.

Old Business:

Although the Sale Committee has not met yet, Amber reported they are planning to go forward. A donation box is at the Studio ready to receive hand woven and/or hand crafted items, which will be sold at our booth at the Southwest High School craft sale in October. The proceeds of this sale will go to the Studio. If we use dressed studio looms and yarn, all we’ll be donating is our time. We will also gladly receive money from people who choose not to donate items to sell. It would be helpful to pre-price your item before you put it in the box, but the Sale Committee reserves the right to re-price as they feel is appropriate.

John read the Constitution and By-Laws of 1990, and we voted to change several paragraphs:
  • The description of our purpose was changed from "handwoven" to "fiber arts" to be more encompassing.
  • We combined the duties of Studio Treasurer and Guild Treasurer into one position, reflecting more accurately the officers we have.
  • We changed the requirement of a quorum to be 15% of the membership in good standing, but not less than 5.
  • Regarding the possibility of the future dissolution of the organization, we changed "Executive Council" to "Officers".
  • We removed all other references to the Executive Council and substituted "general membership."
  • We changed the fiscal year to January 1 through December 31.
  • We removed term limits for officers.
  • We eliminated the requirement for a nominating committee to select a slate of officers.
  • We specified that each member who is not in arrears on dues more than one month shall be entitled to a vote (changed from one year).
  • We specified that the Librarian shall be appointed by the President as needed.
  • We changed the duties of Studio Chair to read: "The day to day operation of the Studio will be determined by the officers."
  • The new version of the Constitution and By-Laws will be posted on the web site,

We decided that we need to post more well-defined procedures such as checking out equipment, etc.

The Studio Beautification Fund now has $275. John will be discussing our desire to improve the Studio with the landlord.

Eva and Gary brought a new sign which Eva made for the outside of the building.

Due to lack of time, we decided to table our discussion on Guild and Studio dues amounts until the next meeting.

The next meeting will be May 10 at 1:00 p.m. At that time we’ll be discussing whether we will meet monthly during the summer.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker, acting recording secretary

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