
November 3, 2012 Guild Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 by Mary Howell.

Members present: Joan Johnson, Sue Ranta, Lori Beck, Jane Mailand, Mandy Binder, Henda Pretorius, Mary Howell, Jan Tooker, Gayle Mason, Catherine Easton, Patricia Miller, Cheryl Rennick, Sharon Vandenack and Peggy Junker.

Treasurer’s report – Presented by Cheryl Rennick

The Southwest High School Crafts Fair brought in $744.00. After paying our fee to the fair organizers, we made $644.00.

St. Marks Crafts Fair fee is $98 – for a smaller space. The crafts fair is Saturday, November 10th. Need workers to help set up, tear down and sell during the day.

John bought fire extinguishers for the studio at a cost of $_________. They work just like a can of hair spray.

Our last spinning class brought in $60 for two students.

Donations toward the costs of refurbishing the studio is now at $2300.


Overshot project is progressing though a couple of people have not yet begun to weave their patterns. Plans are on each loom.

Sheep to Shawl contest in Estes, CO
Participants are to practice on January 5th. Need five people to weave and spin. The contest starts with wool needing carding. It is part of the Estes Wool Festival. Contest date is Sunday, June 9th in Estes.

When selling items at the crafts fairs, it is important to write down a complete description of the item sold and whether you were paid by check or in cash.


Henda Pretorius suggested we sell Coupon Books for Younkers Spring Sale. The  books sell to friends and family for $5 each which would be completely profit for the Guild.  Decision tabled until December meeting.

Sue Ranta was asked to create a photo book or brochure that shows the kinds of things we would want to display/sell at local art galleries so we can show them the quality of the things we make and might be able to do a show at one or more of these galleries. Lux is an option as well as Art & Soul.

Future potential workshops:
Sharon Vandenack – dyeing workshop
Catherine Easton – Shaft Switching or Transparency
Henda Pretorius - Card weaving (not held in summer months).
Sue Ranta – Felting Phase II Wet Felting.

Jane Mailand’s husband has a new, large server. She is willing to host a website for HWGL at no cost. She is not offering design work. She has also said she is willing to “babysit” an Etsy account if we get one started for our group.

Jan Tooker noted we had 188 page views on out website in October.  

Spinning group will now meet both the second and fourth Thursdays.

Cheryl Rennick reported that advanced classes will need looms currently threaded for the rug group.  We may have to unthread some looms not currently in use.

Catherine Easton made two vests for the crafts fairs.  One, Catherine wove the fabric out of silk and cotton blend and then sewed the resulting fabric into a vest.  Cheryl purchased it at the Southwest HS Crafts Fair.  The second one is colors of Overshot patterns, which should sell for $75 - $100 at the St. Marks Crafts Fair.

Sharon Vandenack showed a camel and silk scarf done on a 16 harness loom , twill pattern.

Catherine Easton showed an image of a horse done in compensated inlay.

Joan Johnson showed a Mobius and a garter stitched baby blanket.

Mary Howell showed a pompom scarf knitted.

Jain Mailand showed a shawl.

Meeting ended 2:20 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Sue Ranta

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