
Minutes November 14, 2009 Guild Meeting

The Hand Weavers' Guild of Lincoln met on November 14, 2009 at 1 p.m. Members present were Gary Higgins, John Geppert, Jan Tooker, Cheryl Rennick, Mary Howell, Paula Churchill, Catherine Easton, Sharon Vandenack, and Claire Ehrenberger.

New officers will be elected at the December meeting and will take office in January.

We netted over $350 on the Lincoln Southwest Craft Sale. Catherine Easton will take the remaining items to the Westminster Church Craft Sale on November 27.

There is a new weaving student on Wednesday night.

The Christmas party is December 12. Bring cookies and show and tell.

We will not be doing Christmas on the Prairie in Wahoo this year. They will have differenct demonstrators each year.

We discussed what we could make for next year's sale. John suggested knitting scarves on a knitting machine. We have 2 at the studio, and could set one up so that people could knit things while they are there. Any not sold could be donated to a homeless shelter.

A discussion of the key policy followed. Cheryl moved that in order to get a key you should have completed a class or spent 6 months working at the studio. This was seconded and passed.

We discussed doing a new inventory of looms. An Ad Hoc Committee was formed. Members are Jan Tooker, Sharon Vandenack, and Catherine Easton. They will complete an inventory of all looms and determine status and ownership. They will also find out which ones are being used, and if there are any that have not been used for a long time. They will report back and make recommendations to sell, and to possibly acquire some looms when they become available.

The Spinners' Group is meeting regularly. Catherine suggested that the library subscribe to Spin-Off and Knits, (both publishe by Interweave Press). It was so moved and passed.

The meeting was adjourned, and we had show and tell.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Howell, Secretary

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