
Guild Minutes Feb. 9, 2008

Hand Weavers Guild of Lincoln
Guild Meeting February 9, 2008

Present: Cheryl Rennick, Jan Tooker, Gary Higgins, Eva Bartlett, Debra Jenkins, Catherine Easton, Jan Jaecks, John Geppert.
Gary brought weaving samples that were done by Avis Bishop of Beatrice for inspiration.

Treasurer’s Report:
John has received insurance information but hasn’t had time to review it; he will give us more info at our next meeting.

John has received notice that one of our CD’s matures this month. It is currently at a rate of 5.05%. He will check on rates for 6 and 12 month CD’s and choose the one that will give us the best rate of return. He has finished putting our books on Quicken and will be able to print reports which will be posted at the Studio when he has them ready. There are currently only a few people who have not paid their Studio Use fees. He will send reminders to them. Guild dues of $15 will be due May 1.

Old Business:
John predicts that we will need about 25 members paying $204 annually in Studio Use fees, to come out even. We have 24 members currently paying Studio Use fees. We discussed the following results of our member survey regarding paying higher Studio Use Fees: All were willing to have an increase in our Studio fees. The amount that people were willing to go to were as follows:
$200 - 2 people
$225 - 1 person
$250 - 2 people
$300 - 1 person
Other - 1 person
Since we did not have a quorum present at the meeting, we did not vote on an increase to the fees. We did discuss the possibility of raising our annual Studio fees to $200, and offering the option of paying $20 per month. We also discussed the possibility of being able to offer scholarships for people who are not able to pay the full amount. We would need to have a scholarship committee of 2-3 people who could come up with an application form and make decisions about scholarships.

Jan Jaecks moved, and Cheryl seconded, that we send a meeting notice to the Guild members notifying them that at our next meeting (on April 12 at 1:00 p.m.) we will be voting to amend the bylaws by changing the requirement for a quorum to 15% of the paid membership. Currently our bylaws state that 15 people is a quorum. Jan Tooker will send a notice in the near future so people can put the meeting on their calendar, and then again about a week before the meeting to remind people to attend. A quorum of 15 in attendance will be required in order to vote on the bylaws, and also on a change of Studio fees.

There is a box at the Studio where we can put finished items to be sold at the sale at Southwest High School in October.

New Business:
Catherine has received a request that we demonstrate at Camp Creek Threshers at Waverly in July. She will respond that we will.

Southeast Community College is asking about scheduling summer quarter classes. Catherine is unable to teach during the summer but asked if anyone else would consider teaching a beginning weaving class since she is teaching a spinning class this spring. Jan Tooker and John Geppert volunteered to teach the summer class, and may request help from others as needed.

Catherine mentioned that if the spinning class (which she is teaching this spring) wants to keep meeting after the class is over, she plans to offer the Studio as a place to meet, and will suggest they pay a nominal fee to cover electricity, etc.

A Studio Beautification Fund will be set up whereby anyone can donate for the purposes of improvements to the Studio. This will be a tax deductible donation and John will send a receipt to donors. If you wish to donate you may leave your donation at the Studio or mail it to John Geppert, 7440 N Hampton Rd, Lincoln, NE 68506. The following improvements are being considered:
  • Painting
  • Possibly drywall in the entry to showcase pieces made by our members
  • Possibly replacing flooring, especially the linoleum which is coming up in places
  • Organizing shelves and other spaces
  • Improving signage at the outside entrance (and leading people to the entrance)

John Geppert is willing to chair the Studio Beautification Committee, and will be helped by Jan Tooker, Cheryl, and Debra. Others may volunteer to help at any time.

Eva has finished painting a new sign to hang on the outside of the building on the corner closest to 48th Street. Thank you Eva! Gary and John will hang it when it gets here.

Our next meeting will be April 12 at 1:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Tooker

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