
Guild Minutes September 8, 2007

Minutes Saturday, September 8, 2007, 2 P. M.

Members present: Catherine Easton, Shelda Baylor, Claire Ehrenberger,Jan Tooker, Gary Higgins, Karen Higgins, Cheryl Rennick, Ellen Kamil,and Mary Howell.

Gary called the meeting to order.Announcements: The next rug group meeting is September 22 at 10 a.m. We began with a discussion of outreach opportunities. Jan mentioned the possibility of demonstrating at Christmas on the Prairie in Wahoo the first week-end in December. (December 1 and 2). She will investigate and would be willing to demonstrate. Other volunteers are needed. Other possibilities were mentioned including the Applejack Festival at Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City, the Lincoln Arts Festival at Southpointe in Lincoln, and the State Fair. Karen suggested that when events are published at the beginning of the year we could look at what’s happening and decide where we would like to participate. Karen volunteered to be in charge of this.

Catherine presented John Geppert’s suggestions for changes in theTreasury operation. His suggestions were:
1. The guild and studio accounts should be audited from February 2007to the present , by the President, Treasurer and one other Guildmember.

2. The Guild and Studio accounts should be merged.

3. Routine monthly payments should be put on auto-pay.

4. A petty cash account of $50 to $100 should be created and left in a lockbox in the studio. Items under $20 could be paid from this. We would still record transactions on a sheet next to the lockbox, but we wouldn’t be making frequent small deposits and withdrawals from our checking account.

5. Individuals who have recurrent expenses (such as mailing expensesfor the newsletter) would just be given a check for $20 for the year and would keep track of his or her expenses. At the end of the year,the person would report her expenses and remit any extra funds she received.

Discussion followed on suggestion 2. We are still not meeting the studio’s expenses each month. It was moved and seconded that we table#2 until the co-treasurers could be present to discuss it with us. It was moved, seconded and approved to pass #1, 3, 4, and 5. Catherine suggested that we need a new studio coordinator.

After discussing what this entailed the following people volunteered for various jobs
Cheryl Rennick - liaison with landlord
Catherine Easton - get mail, and assign looms
Ellen Kamil - keep track of what is checked out and remind people to return it.
An audit committee of John Geppert, Gary Higgins, and Cheryl Rennick was appointed. They will meet soon.

Several things have been disappearing from the studio. A weaving ofIda’s that Catherine had on the board was taken. The loom beater bar is missing from Diane’s loom and she would like it back. We were reminded that there is a system for checking things out.

Jan Tooker’s computer crashed and she lost the address list for guild and studio. She apologized to anyone who may not get contacted in the future. If you did not receive the August Thrums, you should contact her with your e-mail address.

Several suggestions for generating income were brought up. Perhaps everyone could make something and have an open house, or have a booth at an art festival. Other suggestions for places to display and possible sell were at Sutter Place Mall, the Farmer’s Market, Beatrice Art in the Park. It was suggested that everyone could contribute one item to be sold to support the guild. Everyone should bring three suggestions for how to make money to the next guild meeting.The next guild meeting will be October 13 at 1 p.m. We agreed that we would meet the second Saturday of the month. The meeting was adjourned. Catherine Easton showed many of Ida Pleines’ weavings for the program.

Respectfully submitted,
Mary Howell, Secretary

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